While the world sends a blaring message that Christmas is all about gifts and over the top experiences, we know better. This post is full of Christmas sermon ideas to help you stay focused on the reason for the season: the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
The Christmas season is special for Christians all around the world. We focus on the miraculous circumstances of Jesus’ birth. And preach how our Jesus left heaven to come to earth and give hope to the entire world!
If you are looking for sermon ideas that will help you cut through the noise, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we share over 18 different Christmas sermon ideas (or sermon series ideas) that you can use this year.
We hope that you find these ideas helpful for creating a memorable Christmas Day service. Merry Christmas!
Estimated reading time: 18 minutes
Table of contents
18 Christmas Sermon Ideas for a Memorable Message

You may be doing an entire sermon series that’s Christmas-themed. Or perhaps you’re preaching a standalone Christmas message. Either way, you can use the topics below. They’ll work within your overall December sermon series or as a featured message on Christmas Day.
Remember, as always, the most powerful messages come when the Holy Spirit leads you during preparation, prayer, and preaching. So let’s dive into some Christmas sermon topic ideas. They are centered around six big ideas, and some have links to graphics and outlines your church can utilize as you prepare to preach Christmas sermons.
1. The Christmas Story
Everyone knows the Christmas story, right? Well…perhaps we shouldn’t assume. You could have new visitors coming for their first Christmas church service. Or maybe they haven’t stepped foot in a church in a long time.
The story of Christ’s birth can be told quickly (think of a children’s Christmas pageant about baby Jesus) or you can preach this same story in much greater detail.
Jesus’ birth story starts in the Old Testament. Jesus had an interesting family line (which is an encouragement that God can use anyone). The Old Testament also contains many prophecies about the coming of our Lord. Finally, the Christmas story climaxes with the Bethlehem nativity scene that we all know and love.
You can tell the Christmas story chronologically, or you could break it into different parts by theme. Here are two other Christmas sermon ideas on how to preach the Christmas story:
A Random Christmas
Christmas is a time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We often think about the story of his birth and the events leading up to it. But have you ever considered all of the random details and coincidences in the story?
That’s what the Christmas sermon titled A Random Christmas is about.
For example, what are the odds that Joseph would have been traveling to Bethlehem at the time Jesus was born? Or have dreams directing him on where to go? The Christmas story is full of these types of details.
When we look at the Christmas story with new eyes, we see a God who is sovereign and in control. The details surrounding Jesus’ birth were no accident. They all served a greater purpose in God’s plan for salvation. And the same is true for our own seemingly random stories.
Behold the Savior Comes
As we open our hearts and minds to see the world through the lens of faith, Christmas will become more than a day or a season. It will be a state of mind—a way of life—that helps us see God’s goodness and love every day of the year.
Behold the Savior Comes is a Christmas or Advent series that helps us strengthen our faith in Christ and see how that helps us experience the world in uniquely wonderful ways. The series celebrates the gifts of trust, joy, determination, and commitment with scriptures from the Old and New Testament.
Hope comes when we understand the great gift we have in Jesus Christ. Our savior and Lord came to bring hope to the entire world. Although it appears we have an invisible God, evidence of His love and goodness are visible all around us.
2. The Life of Jesus Christ
Who was this man, Jesus? Why did He come to earth? And what does His life have to do with ours?
These are all questions that your Christmas sermon could answer. You can use the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus as a starting point to go deeper into the powerful message of what His life means to us.
This same message can focus on the attributes of Jesus, key moments of His life, and the before and after picture of Jesus coming to earth. The two Christmas sermons below are a great angle to preach about the life of Jesus.
The Family Tree
You’ll find a series of scandalous stories in this Christmas sermon. But don’t worry, they’re all straight out of the Bible.
In The Family Tree, Pastor Levi Lusko preaches a sermon that walks through Old Testament stories of prostitutes, scandal, murder, and idolatry. And all these people are part of the family history of the coming Messiah.
God’s word shows us that He can and will use all of us, despite our flaws, to bring redemption to the world and fulfill His plans.
Although originally targeted for student ministry, Saga: Hope to the Entire World is one of those Christmas sermon ideas that work for all ages.
The first Christmas, featuring the birth of one small baby in a humble manger, is part of a much bigger story that our mighty God had in mind. What appeared to be an insignificant occurrence turned into a world-changing event that would affect every single person.
And the story continues; we also play a part and Jesus came to bring salvation to every one of us.
The graphics and branding of this Christmas series are a creative twist on the Star Wars theme. Yet you could use the saga theme as it applies to any great story, literature series, or movie franchise.
3. Christmas Figures
It wouldn’t be Christmas without some of our favorite characters from the Christmas story. And there are plenty of Christmas sermon ideas to be found in these Bible stories as well.
For example, the following figures are all mentioned in the first few chapters of the gospels related to the Christmas story:
- Elizabeth
- Zechariah
- Mary
- Joseph
- Herod
- Wise Men
- Shepherds
- Angels (including the angel Gabriel)
You could do a series or sermon about any one of them, focusing on their life story, their relationship to Jesus, or the lessons we can learn from them. Here are two additional sermon ideas on this theme.
Fear Not
Fear can prevent us from stepping into the plans God has for us. Although we think of the Christmas story as being filled with great joy because of Jesus’ birth, we have to remember that key figures in this story had to bravely respond with obedience although they had every reason to be afraid.
Fear Not is a 3-part sermon series from Pastor Craig Groeschel with preaching on the angel visits to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. This topic will be sure to resonate with people who have embraced God’s plan despite their fears. Or need encouragement to step out in faith!
Missing Christmas
We can be easily distracted and miss the reason for the Christmas season. That’s part of what the Christmas sermon series Missing Christmas is all about. This 3-part series looks a the Bible gospel narratives of Matthew and Luke. These Christmas sermons examine key characters who missed or almost missed the miracle of the newborn king.
Just think about Joseph. He was ready to divorce Mary quietly after hearing she was pregnant but thankfully listened to the angel who came to give him a special message. Or the wise men who traveled a long distance to make it right on time…plus, they found a way to work around King Herod.
As you preach this message about the true meaning of the season, you can show people how distraction, selfishness, and disappointment can interfere with our ability to experience the wonder of Christmas.
4. The Hard Side of Christmas
Although Christmas is a time of great joy, we can’t forget that it’s also a time when people are struggling. The holidays can be difficult for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, facing financial difficulties, or experiencing relationship problems.
Many Christmas sermon ideas focus on the joyful aspects of the season but don’t forget to address the difficult times people may be going through as well. Here are two Christmas sermon series that deal with the more difficult side of Christmas:
Ghosts of Christmas Past
Most people have probably seen one of the versions of the movie A Christmas Carol. In this classic story, Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. These ghosts talk to him about his life and the choices he’s made.
Ghosts of Christmas Past is a 3-part Christmas sermon series from Craig Groeschel at Life.Church. It covers painful issues like labels, offenses, and low self-esteem that can come up during the holiday season. This would be a great Christmas sermon series for those who are struggling with these issues or for those who want to help others who may be going through a tough time.
Not Such a Wonderful Life
This title is based on another popular Christmas movie classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. In the movie, George Bailey is shown what life would have been like if he had never been born. He is confronted with the struggles and heartache that his friends and family would have faced if he had not been there for them.
The truth is, life doesn’t feel amazing when you’re trudging through the mundane daily details and difficulties. And you can feel this way even during the holiday season. The Christmas sermon Not Such a Wonderful Life speaks transparently about this issue. Sometimes life doesn’t feel so wonderful, so what do we do?
It’s a good reminder to look at the life of Jesus and remember that His life did not appear at all wonderful at times, especially during His crucifixion and death. But as believers, we know that because of Jesus, our lives have ultimate meaning and purpose. And we have a future filled with wonderful hope.
5. Sights & Sounds of Christmas
Christmas time is filled with wonderful smells, sights, and sounds. Everyone has their favorite feel-good Christmas movie and song. Christmas sermon series featuring the Sights & Sounds of Christmas tap into these senses to create a memorable experience for your congregation.
You can keep your message fresh by focusing on lesser-known movies and music. Or, get your creative juices going and put a fresh spin on old favorites.
The songs and plotlines of these stories usually uncover the real meaning of the holiday season. You can incorporate the main ideas into your church Christmas series while you preach Bible stories that relate everything to God.
When you think of Christmas, you probably have some favorite traditional carols that come to mind. Nothing puts you in the holiday spirit like hearing those familiar lyrics and melodies on the radio.
Traditional Christian carols incorporate messages, stories, and even phrases from the Bible. Also, they are typically focused on God, Christ’s birth, and the theme of heaven.
While you can always choose your favorite songs, check out the artwork and resources for the Carols sermon series from Life.Church. These resources include Christmas sermon outlines for a month-long series with four songs: O Holy Night, O Come All Ye Faithful, Away in a Manger, and Emmanuel.
The Lyrics of Christmas
Hold on, this isn’t the same as the Carols series just mentioned. The Lyrics of Christmas features text straight from the Bible.
Specifically, these Christmas sermons contain four songs in the gospel of Luke. First of all, you have Mary’s perspective when she visits Elizabeth, her cousin. She magnifies God and sings praise to Him as she embraced God’s plan for her life.
The four-week Christmas series also includes songs from Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon. Each one sings praise as they realize the good news of the Christmas story. Unpacking their joyful songs will bring you hope and encourage you to praise God in turn.
6. A Christmas Message for Today
The Christmas story is timeless, and that means the same message is still relevant. In fact, the Christmas story has a lot to say about the world we live in today.
As you think through Christmas sermon ideas, consider how you can teach on the topical issues relevant to people in your community. Think about the creative twist you can put on these ancient stories that are still so applicable today.
For example,
- the wise men had to navigate tricky political circumstances with King Herod
- the miraculous conception of Jesus caused relational strife between Joseph and Mary
- Elizabeth had been dealing with years of painful infertility issues
So, today’s church congregation can relate to these same felt needs. They also may be feeling lonely, anxious, or lost. Christmas sermons that address these needs will have a great impact. So, here are two sermon ideas for you to preach.
The Christmas Table
People often fear that their history determines their destiny, but thankfully that is not the case because of Jesus. The Christmas Table is a great message for Christmas services in which pastor Levi Lusko reminds us that no family is greater than God’s family.
Furthermore, our everlasting Father welcomes us all with open arms. This series extends an invitation to all to take their seat at God’s table.
This Christmas message would be especially impactful for those who don’t have a traditional picture-perfect holiday dinner around the table. Perhaps they’ve experienced loss, damaged relationships, or just don’t have anyone to celebrate with.
Reminding them of their seat at God’s Christmas table would be a beautiful way to show them they are not alone.
Christmas List: Reordering Our Priorities
It’s hard to resist the pull of our materialistic culture during the Christmas season. After all, everywhere we turn there are commercials, gifts, and messages telling us what we should buy.
But do we really need all of those things? In the Christmas sermon series, Christmas List: Reordering Our Priorities you can preach about the importance of ordering your priorities and schedule.
Truly, we have to be intentional to push back on culture and focus on Jesus Christ and the priorities God has for us in this season. Thankfully, we have a wonderful counselor who will guide us with grace. Preaching on these timely topics will be sure to resonate.
Preaching Your Christmas Sermon

As pastors and preachers, the responsibility to deliver a Christmas sermon goes beyond simply recounting the familiar nativity story. It is an opportunity to touch the hearts of the congregation, to inspire hope, and to share the transformative message of Christmas.
In this section, we want to provide you with some key tips and tricks on making that Christmas sermon memorable. From understanding the expectations of both regular attendees and visitors to choosing a compelling theme and weaving a captivating narrative, this exploration will provide practical insights for delivering a powerful sermon on this beautiful holiday.
Let’s jump in.
Choosing Your Theme
Selecting a theme for a Christmas sermon is a pivotal decision that shapes the sermon’s flow and impact. Pastors should seek themes that resonate with the congregation’s collective experience and the universal themes of hope, joy, peace, and the profound significance of Jesus’ birth.
Choosing a theme should be the first step you take in crafting your Christmas sermon. A strong thematic throughline helps your message from becoming messy, directionless, or confusing. If you understand what you want the congregation to walk away with, you can make sure that that point comes across well when you preach.
In this article, we provided you with 6 different primary themes to pull from. Once you’ve chosen one that you think will impact your specific congregation, we encourage you to look into the various sermons we listed.
Understanding the Audience

After choosing a theme, effectively preaching a Christmas sermon begins with a keen understanding of the diverse congregation present during the holiday season. Christmas services attract a range of individuals, from regular church attendees to those who may step into the church only during the holiday season.
You must recognize and acknowledge the varying expectations, perspectives, and life experiences that individuals bring to the Christmas sermon. For long-time churchgoers, the challenge lies in presenting the timeless message of Christmas in a way that is fresh and invigorating. Simultaneously, there is an opportunity to connect with visitors who may be seeking spiritual meaning amid the season.
Addressing both groups requires a delicate balance of familiarity and accessibility, ensuring that the sermon speaks to the seasoned believer and the newcomer alike. When choosing the right sermon idea, make sure it matches well with your church’s specific audience. And don’t forget to make room for surprise visitors, as you never know who God will bring through your door during the holidays!
Addressing the Season’s Challenges
While the Christmas season is often associated with joy and celebration, pastors need to acknowledge the challenges that some individuals may face during this time. It is the responsibility of pastors to address the more nuanced aspects of the season, including loneliness, grief, and stress.
According to FHEHealth, Christmas is by far the worst holiday for people feeling lonely and/or depressed.

Loneliness can be particularly poignant during the holidays, as individuals may grapple with a sense of isolation despite the festive atmosphere. We encourage you to offer messages of companionship, highlighting the presence of a compassionate and loving community within the church.
Grief, whether due to recent losses or the remembrance of past ones, can cast a shadow over the holiday spirit. You should approach this sensitive topic with empathy, weaving the comforting message of Christ’s birth into a narrative that acknowledges and consoles those mourning.
Additionally, the stress associated with the busyness of the season requires pastoral attention. Practical advice on finding moments of peace, prioritizing self-care, and refocusing on the true meaning of Christmas can provide much-needed support.
Forming a Strong Narrative

In the art of preaching a Christmas sermon, crafting a compelling narrative is very important. The theme of your sermon deserves to be presented in a way that engages hearts as well as minds. A narrative approach involves more than just recounting events; it invites the listeners to experience the wonder, awe, and significance of a story.
To achieve this, you should embrace the power of storytelling, using vivid language and imagery to transport the audience into relevant moments in your message. For example, if your theme is on the Nativity Story, you could infuse the narrative with relatable examples. You could emphasize the human aspects of the characters involved—Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the Magi—to create a connection that resonates with the congregation’s journey of faith.
By transforming your Christmas message into a living, breathing narrative, you can amplify its impact. This can make it a transformative experience that the members of your church may remember long after the sermon is over.
Include a Practical Application
The effectiveness of a Christmas sermon extends beyond the pulpit when it resonates with the practical realities of people’s lives. Practical application bridges the gap between the ancient story of Jesus’ birth and the modern challenges and joys faced by the church community. You should guide their congregation on how to apply the timeless truths of Christmas to their daily lives.
Practical application involves translating biblical principles into actionable steps, encouraging people to reflect on the transformative message of Christmas in their relationships, work, and personal growth. Real-life examples and anecdotes can illustrate how the profound truths of the nativity narrative are not confined to history but have enduring significance today.
By offering practical guidance on incorporating the Christmas message into everyday life, you can empower your guests to embody the spirit of love, hope, and joy throughout the year.
Christmas Sermon Ideas to Share with Others

We serve an incredible God. Christmas time is a season for a pause and at every church, we can celebrate the birth of Jesus, our newborn king, and all that it means for us.
Use these Christmas sermon ideas to help you prepare your message and share the good news with others. And, be sure to take some time to celebrate!
Preaching can be a lot of work, but with your investment, we get to see people’s lives changed by the gospel. Christmas is a great time to reach out and share the hope we have in Jesus.
Next, be sure to check out our New Year’s sermon ideas.
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We have lots of resources in the Blog and Podcasts on this website about growing your church. It all starts with relationship and discipleship, and connecting in your local community. We also believe in the power of digital communication and marketing to reach more people. Here is a podcast that we think is a good start on that topic: https://reachrightstudios.com/podcast/ministry-marketing-ideas/