Are you asking the right pastor interview questions? If your interview process is less than solid and you end up with a poor fit for your church, it will create a mess down the road.
Determining whether a pastoral candidate has the necessary qualifications and experience is only the baseline.
Your church also needs to find the ideal match when it comes to personality, theological stance, and fit with your unique church culture. That sounds like a tall order, but great pastoral interview questions will help you sort through candidates, make the right choice, and avoid mistakes in your pastor interview process.
In this blog post, we’ll cover the keys to generating successful interview questions for pastors that get to the root of things. Then, we’ll walk through a list of 30 pastor interview questions that will help you find the perfect candidate for your church!
Estimated reading time: 15 minutes
Table of contents
What Should You Ask About?

According to Lifeway’s research on why pastors leave their positions, “48 percent of the former pastors say the search team didn’t accurately describe the church before their arrival.”
Yikes! That means that before you start interviewing, you need to ensure you’re being upfront about your church’s culture and current condition, and give a realistic picture of the pastor’s role and responsibilities. This starts with an accurate job description.
A lead pastor is primarily a leader, shepherd, and preacher. The size and leadership structure of your church will determine exactly how these roles function. In larger churches, the lead pastor may be primarily responsible for weekend preaching and take a high-level, CEO-style leadership approach to the organization.
In smaller churches, the lead pastor may be more hands-on when it comes to administration and leading staff and volunteers. The lead pastor may be the one primarily responsible for pastoral care duties such as weddings, funerals, hospital visits, and counseling.
Before you even start the interview process, clarify the responsibilities so you know the right pastor interview questions to ask. Then, you can use specific questions to highlight their background, experience, and personal approach.
Here are some of the general responsibility categories to think about as you begin formulating questions.
Theological Background
If your church has a denominational affiliation, then the theological stance should be pretty clear for whoever is applying. Your denomination may even have a specific training and ordination process.
But for all churches and especially non-denominational churches, you need to ensure your theological stance and viewpoints are aligned with the potential pastor.
To start, cover questions about the pastor’s education. Dig into their church background, training, and how they felt about the common theological stances and Bible teaching they encountered. Asking questions about their favorite books, resources, and preachers will also help you glean insight on their views.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions about specific theological beliefs or viewpoints. These don’t have to be controversial, but they should get to the root of their thinking process and approach. Also, if your church holds strong views on secondary or tertiary theological issues (that may not be spelled out publically), you’ll want to ask the candidate about how they would approach these topics.
Alignment in core theological beliefs is one of the most important factors for a church and its pastor, otherwise, conflict is inevitable.
Preaching and Communication
Are your services liturgical, traditional, or contemporary? Does your congregation expect relevant topical preaching or expository bible study? Does your leadership team help set sermon series topics or does the pastor have autonomy and responsibility for crafting the message week-to-week?
These are important details to clarify in your pastor interview questions because the pastor’s preaching style is one of the biggest areas of differentiation in churches. You don’t want a candidate who is uncomfortable preaching in your style or who has a radically different expectation and preference than your congregation.
Leadership Style
Leadership style is a blend of personality and management skills. Do you need a lead pastor who is capable of managing the details? Or, would you prefer a more big picture leader who has minimal interaction with the staff?
The last thing you want to do is bring in a micromanager when your staff is used to leading independently. Conversely, if the congregation is used to having direct contact and care from the pastor, you need to hire someone who’s extremely personable and prepared to be hands-on.
Finding a good leadership fit for your church requires defining what type of leader you’re looking for. The best pastor interview questions for discovering a person’s true leadership style are situational, requiring the candidate to tell you about a past scenario they faced.
These questions often take the form of: Can you tell me about a time when you _____?
Church Administration
At the end of the day, churches are about preaching God’s Word and caring for people. So what approach should your ideal lead pastor candidate take when it comes to shepherding people?
The pastor will set the overall tone for how people should be treated. This includes staff, volunteers, and members of the congregation. When it comes to pastor interview questions, ask about their views on church discipline, how to deal with conflict, and whether or not they have experience managing people.
Church administration also encompasses finances and operations. Will the new pastor be involved in budgeting and decision-making? What is the church’s giving philosophy? How often does the new pastor meet with the finance committee?
These questions will help you get a sense of the pastor’s level of involvement in the day-to-day operations of the church.
Pastor Responsibilities

It’s important to outline the responsibilities the pastor will be taking on should they get offered the job. The responsibilities of a pastor can vary depending on the denomination, the size and type of congregation, and the specific needs of the church. However, there are several core responsibilities that are typically associated with the role of a pastor.
Spiritual Leadership
Provide spiritual guidance and leadership to the congregation, helping members grow in their faith and relationship with God. Preach sermons and teach the Bible to the congregation, providing biblical insight and practical application for daily life.
Leadership of this sort can also extend to worship. As a pastor, you may lead and participate in worship services, including prayer, praise and worship, communion, and baptisms. You might oversee the planning and coordination of worship services, including the selection of songs and the involvement of other worship leaders and musicians.
It can also look like leading in an administrative capacity. You might oversee the day-to-day operations of the church, including administrative tasks, budget management, and staff supervision (if applicable). Maybe you will collaborate with church leaders and committees to make decisions that impact the congregation and its mission.
Pastoral Care
Provide pastoral care and support to members of the congregation, including counseling, visitation of the sick and elderly, and offering emotional and spiritual guidance during times of crisis.
Facilitate and lead Bible studies, Sunday school classes, and other educational programs to help members deepen their understanding of the Christian faith. Mentor and disciple individuals, helping them grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their commitment to living out Christian principles.
This may also look like counseling and guidance. You may offer guidance to individuals and families dealing with personal, marital, or emotional challenges. Maybe even provide pre-marital counseling and officiate at weddings, as well as offer support during times of bereavement.
Community Outreach
Engage with the local community, seeking opportunities to serve and meet the needs of those outside the church. Promote community outreach programs, charitable initiatives, and social justice efforts in alignment with the church’s mission.
Encourage and equip members to share their faith and engage in evangelism and outreach efforts. Seek to grow the congregation by reaching out to new members and visitors.
Equipping Leaders/Community
Identify and nurture the leadership potential within the congregation, training and equipping individuals to serve in various ministry roles. Delegate responsibilities to capable leaders and empower them to carry out specific aspects of the church’s mission.
You are also in charge of building a community. You’ll want to foster a sense of community and fellowship among church members, promoting unity and a spirit of love and support. Organize and oversee social events, small groups, and other activities that strengthen relationships within the congregation.
Personal Spiritual Growth
Continually pursue personal spiritual growth, including prayer, Bible study, and spiritual disciplines, to set an example for the congregation.
Stay informed about theological developments, trends in ministry, and relevant pastoral skills through ongoing education and professional development.
It’s important to note that the role of a pastor can be demanding and multifaceted, often requiring adaptability and a deep commitment to the church and its spiritual well-being. Additionally, the specific responsibilities of a pastor may vary based on the church’s size, traditions, and unique needs.
Why Do Pastors Leave Their Jobs?
Before we dive into the interview questions, let’s revisit the issue of pastor turnover. Although it’s a sweet image to picture one pastor leading a church for their entire ministry career, this is an increasingly unrealistic expectation.
Some churches intentionally change pastors on a regular rotation. Others are forced to demote or fire a pastor because of poor performance or moral failure.
In other cases, the pastor decides to quit. We’re probably all aware that burnout and mental health concerns are increasingly common and destructive for pastors.
According to the Lifeway study mentioned earlier, five of the top reasons why pastors leave their positions are:
- Change in calling 40%
- Conflict in a church 25%
- Burnout 19%
- Personal finances 12%
- Family issues 12%
(Respondents could select “all of the above”)

High turnover is not ideal in any situation, so the issues above should be a focus in interview questions, examples being:
- Can you tell us more about why you feel called to pastor here?
- How do you deal with conflict?
- How do keep yourself mentally and emotionally healthy?
- What are your salary expectations?
- How do you create work-life balance?
30 Pastor Interview Questions

Now that we’ve gone over some of the key areas to focus on during the interview process, let’s dive into a list of questions you can use to screen candidates.
Although this list was compiled with senior pastors in mind, you could also use these questions for screening youth pastors, departmental pastors, executive pastors, etc.
Remember, the goal is not to trick anyone or trip them up with “gotcha” questions. Instead, you want to get a sense of how the pastoral candidate thinks and responds to various scenarios. With that in mind, here are 30 pastor interview questions to help you find the perfect pastoral candidate.
General Questions
1. What made you want to become a pastor?
2. What have been your favorite and least favorite experiences in ministry?
3. How would you describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how does it affect your daily life?
4. How have your family, friends, and community shaped your faith journey?
5. What are some of your favorite Bible passages?
6. How do you study the Bible?
7. Can you describe your preaching style?
8. Can you share a sermon with us that you’re particularly proud of (and why)?
9. What is your process for planning and preparing your sermons?
10. Who are some of your theological influences?
Church View Questions
11. What is your view of church discipline?
12. How do you deal with conflict?
13. What is your vision for this church?
14. What do you think the role of a pastor should be in the life of a congregation member? How do you see yourself fitting into that role?
15. What are some of the unique gifts and talents that you bring to ministry?
16. How do you see the church serving its community?
17. What do you think is the most pressing issue facing the church today?
18. How would you deal with a member of the congregation who was openly rebellious and disruptive during services?
19. If a member of your staff came to you with a concern about another staff member, how would you handle it?
20. What do you think is the most important thing a church can do to reach its community for Christ?
21. How do you view the role of technology in church?
22. What is your experience with finances and budgeting?
23. How do you deal with difficult conversations, such as asking for tithes or confronting someone about a moral failing?
24. Can you tell us about a time you had to lead people through a difficult change?
25. How would one of your former staff members or lead volunteers describe your leadership style?
26. How much vacation time do you think a pastor should take in a year?
27. How do you deal with and avoid burnout?
28. Are there any red flags in your personal or professional life that we should be aware of?
29. Why do you feel called to this church? Is there anything that would change that calling?
30. What questions do you have for us?
Red Flags to Look for in Responses to Pastor Interview Questions

Do you know what red flags to look for in the interview process? Although there are general ideas about this, you should also make it personal. Consider what issues have been a source of conflict for your church and staff in the past so you can avoid them in future hires.
Red Flags
- Be wary of any candidate who seems evasive or unwilling to answer questions directly. It’s important to be able to trust your new pastor. If they’re not being upfront from the start, that’s cause for concern.
- Pay attention to how the pastoral candidate interacts with other people. A good pastor should treat everyone with respect and kindness. If the candidate seems tense or combative, that could be a sign that they’re not well-suited for pastoral work.
- Make sure the pastoral candidate is actually interested in the position – in other words, this is a true calling to YOUR church, not just a job. If they seem disinterested or unenthusiastic, that’s a sign that they’re not fully committed to the role.
Finally, be sure to ask follow-up questions if anything raises red flags during the interview. It’s always better to take extra time and do your due diligence than end up with a poor fit.
Pastoral Candidate Application Process

Hiring a new pastor for a church or religious organization involves a detailed process to ensure that the candidate is a good fit for the congregation’s spiritual and practical needs. Here’s a general outline of the pastor hiring application process.
1. Needs Assessment
Before initiating the hiring process, the church or organization should conduct a thorough needs assessment. This involves identifying the specific qualifications, skills, and characteristics desired in a pastoral candidate, considering the congregation’s needs, and outlining the job description.
2. Search Committee Formation
A pastor search committee is typically formed to oversee the hiring process. This committee is responsible for reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and recommending pastoral candidates for consideration.
3. Job Posting
Create a job posting that includes details about the position, the church culture, the church’s mission, and the application process. Post the job opening in various relevant channels, such as denominational websites, church job boards, and local publications.
4. Application Submission
An interested pastoral candidate should submit their applications, which usually include a resume, cover letter, statement of faith, references, and any required documentation.
5. Initial Screening
The search committee reviews all received applications and narrows down the pool of pastoral candidates based on qualifications, experience, and alignment with the church’s beliefs and mission.
6. Interviews
Selected pastoral candidates are invited for interviews. This may include initial phone or video interviews and, for finalists, in-person interviews with the search committee and possibly key church leaders or members.
7. Reference Checks
Conduct thorough reference checks to verify a candidate’s qualifications, character, and suitability for the position. Contact references provided by the candidate as well as any additional references that may be relevant.
8. Background Checks
Perform background checks, including criminal background checks and, in some cases, credit checks, to ensure the candidate’s suitability for pastoral ministry.
9. Doctrinal Examination
Depending on the denomination or organization, pastoral candidates may be required to undergo a doctrinal examination to ensure they align with the core beliefs and teachings of the church.
10. Candidate Presentations
Finalists may be asked to deliver sermons or presentations to the congregation or a selected group to gauge their preaching and teaching abilities.
11. Congregational Vote or Approval
In many churches, the congregation has the final say in the hiring of a pastor. After the search committee presents the finalist(s), the congregation may vote to approve or disapprove the candidate.
12. Negotiation and Offer
If the candidate is approved, the search committee negotiates terms of employment, including salary, benefits, and other contractual details. An official offer is extended to the candidate.
13. Pastoral Installation
After the candidate accepts the offer, a pastoral installation service or ceremony is typically held to formally welcome the new pastor to the congregation.
14. Onboarding and Transition
Assist the new pastor in their transition, which may include orientation, introductions to key members, and support as they settle into their role.
15. Ongoing Evaluation
Establish a process for ongoing evaluation and feedback to ensure that the pastoral ministry aligns with the church’s goals and expectations.
It’s important to note that the specific steps and requirements in the pastor hiring process can vary significantly depending on the denomination, the size of the congregation, and the church’s unique needs and traditions. It’s essential for the search committee to communicate clearly with the congregation and potential candidates throughout the process to ensure transparency and understanding.
The Perfect Pastor Interview

While there are a few potential red flags to watch out for, the interview process is ultimately an opportunity to get to know the candidates and see if they’re a good fit for your church. By asking the right questions, you can get a sense of their character, values, and abilities. With a little effort, you can find the perfect pastor for your congregation.
What questions do you think are important to ask when interviewing a pastor candidate? Let us know in the comments below!
Comments 5
Thank You So Much for the Pastor questions. Interviews can be tough sometimes so you really need a good selection of questions. God Bless
They definitely can be! Thanks so much and glad you found this resource helpful.
Thank you for the Excellent articles which will help in our search for a Pastor.
Fantastic! So glad to hear they were helpful. Wishing you all the best in your pastor search!