You want people to like your church, but simple marketing mistakes could actually give them the wrong impression. Instead of seeming like a warm, friendly church, it might come off …
7 Ways Church Leaders Must Change To Keep Members Coming Back
Even large churches struggle with keeping members coming back every week. Sometimes, it’s just that members have busy schedules. However, sometimes the problem lies with church leadership. This is when …
Why People Often Hate Growing Churches
Churches usually have two main goals – sharing faith with the community and continuing to grow the church. The two go hand in hand. As a church grows, you reach …
8 Ways To Incorporate Mobile Into Your Church
Your church is filled with smartphones. Whether your members are keeping them out of the way or getting distracted during services, it’s time to address how to incorporate mobile into …
Why Church Leaders Should Embrace Their Flaws
There has yet to be a church that exists with perfect members or church leaders. It’s not humanly possible. However, far too many church leaders feel that they have to …
The Rise Of Online Prayer And How It Helps Your Church
Traditionally, group prayer happened either in person or through a prayer chain over the phone. However, online prayer is now on the rise. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that …
7 Ways To Get Past The Small Church Mentality
It’s not uncommon for small and even medium-sized churches to fall into a common trap – the small church mentality. There’s nothing wrong with being a small church. However, this …
Developing A Better Worship Team Culture
Your worship team culture sets the standard for the entire church. If your worship team isn’t passionate, why would your members be passionate each week? From behind the scenes tech …
8 Things Pastors Wish Their Members Knew
Pastors constantly work to understand their members, but how often do members consider what a pastor actually wants? They’d be amazed to learn how many things pastors wish they knew. …
Why Cute And Trendy Turns Kids Away From Church
Keeping kids engaged is crucial for churches to maintain growth. However, many kids opt not to attend if their parents give them the option. While some just enjoy sleeping in …