Odds are, you have at least some goals set for your church. They may be as vague as boosting membership or as lofty as getting 1,000 new followers on Facebook …
Why You Should Think Of Your Church As A Brand
Most church leaders don’t want to think of their church as a brand. It creates this negative view of treating the church as a business that’s only focused on boosting …
7 Elements Of Blog Posts That Inspire And Engage
You’re filling your church’s blog with great blog posts, or so you think. However, no one seems to be reading them. While you’re not likely to go viral overnight, you’d …
Surprising Reasons The Unchurched Stopped Attending
Many of the unchurched are people who at one point had a vibrant relationship with the Lord. If that’s the case, why have the unchurched stopped attending? Some of the …
How Your Church Blog Can Turn Around Your Dwindling Numbers
It can be discouraging to notice your church’s numbers dwindling. At first, it’s just a few members, but that can quickly grow. Suddenly, you notice your church is rarely full …
Innovative Ways To Improve Member Attendance
Why does it seem like some churches are full of active members, but others struggle to keep members coming back from week to week? Even though your members are likely …
Want To Reach The Unchurched? Talk, Don’t Preach
It’s a difficult strategy to understand. After all, members come to services every week to gather and listen to sermons. Since that’s such a staple in the church, how could …
What Do The Unchurched Really Think About Church
It’s a common misconception that the unchurched don’t care about church, but that’s not always true. It is not that they are opposed to the idea of trying church. It’s …
Why Your Site Should Focus On The Visitor And Not The Church
Church websites often make one common mistake – focusing more on the church than the visitors. While it might seem like your site should be more about marketing, the opposite …
Should Your Church Have Different Websites For Members And Non-Members?
This might seem like a crazy question, especially when many churches don’t even have a website to begin with. However, consider how different the two audiences are. Your members come …