Going to a church for the first time is scary.
You don’t know anyone and have no idea what you are getting yourself into.
For many church leaders, we have been running our church service for so long that it is hard to look at our worship experience with fresh eyes.
So we came up with seven questions that every church visitor is asking.
Take some time to consider what visitors to your church may think as they ask these questions on their first Sunday.
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Are There People Here Like Me?
Before visitors even shows up, their biggest concern is often how they will fit in at your church.
We can help them answer that question by using great photography and video on your church website and social media channels.
People feel like they will fit in when they see people like themselves. If visitors see people who look like them or might be in the same life place, they will feel more like this is a church they can call home.
Where Are We Supposed To Go?
Visitors who have never been to your campus before have no idea where they should be going.
And we can’t just hope they will figure it out.
It is vital to create signage pointing them to the main service, kids ministry, bathrooms, and visitor areas.
Even better, a dedicated host who can guide visitors to all of these places is ideal.
How Long Do I Have To Sit Here?
If someone hasn’t been to your church before, they have no idea how long the service will be.
And that is, without a doubt, one of the things they will be wondering.
If we want visitors to connect with the worship time and the message, answering that question early in the service is a good idea.
Make it part of your greeting to tell people how long your service typically will last, and it will help them rest easy.
Who’s In Charge Here?
Unless they found this information on your website before they attended, visitors do not know who your leaders are.
It is good to have leaders who take the stage introduce themselves to guests.
You may worry that it will feel repetitive for your regular attendees, but this will be very helpful for visitors.
What Am I Supposed To Do Next?
Members who have been at your church for years know when to stand, when to clap, when to sit and what to do when that plate comes by.
Visitors don’t.
If we want to make sure they feel comfortable, get used to explaining what to do in each part of the service. When we do this, it’s an excellent reminder to members that your church has a culture where visitors are welcome.
Will They Single Me Out?
Visitors are terrified of being singled out. While giving them special attention before and after service is fine, we should never make them identify themselves in front of the entire church.
That is the stuff of visitor nightmares.
Should we give them a gift? Absolutely, but never ask them to stand, raise their hands, or come up to the front. That’s an excellent way to have most of them never return.
Do I Have To Give?
Most churches do not expect visitors to give. But most visitors feel like they might stick out if they don’t give something.
Make it clear to visitors that you do not expect a gift from them. As you enter into the offering time, invite your members to give, but tell visitors that they should not feel any obligation whatsoever.
Do this, and it can take away a lot of visitors’ unease during the giving time.
More On First Time Church Visitors