8 things your can do to increase momentum and growth

8 Things You Can Do To Increase Momentum And Growth

Thomas CostelloChurch Leadership Leave a Comment

Almost every church, especially smaller churches, would love to increase momentum and growth. Sadly, that dream always seems just out of reach.

This doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You just have to change your approach a little. While praying definitely does help, it’s time to take action to start achieving your church’s growth goals today.

If growth seems too slow, increase momentum a little at a time. Between your church leaders and members, you have the perfect team for increasing your member numbers.

1. Share Your Passion

While Tithe.ly suggests praying as the number one way to increase momentum and growth, the second thing on their list is to share your “why.” Your “why” is your passion. Why does this particular church exist? What’s its purpose? From a pastor’s point of view, why do you do what you do?

Part of growing a church is engaging your members and making them feel passionate about their faith and church. Do this and your members are filled with passion and better able to persuade others to come out and give your church a chance.

Sharing your passion works well on your church’s About Us page or even as a monthly blog post series.

2. Delegate Tasks

You can never expect to experience growth if you never delegate. God doesn’t work alone. He has pastors and followers to spread His message. So, if God delegates, why shouldn’t church leaders and pastors? It’s easy to confuse micro-managing with passion, but this just stunts growth.

One of the best ways to become a better leader is to learn to delegate effectively. Divide out tasks to others who may actually do them better. You’re able to get more done which helps increase momentum.

3. Create Clear Actionable Goals

It’s hard to maintain growth when you don’t have any clear goals set. How often have you waited to plan a major event a few months or less before it’s scheduled to happen? Instead of everything going smoothly, it’s chaos. Volunteers get angry and burn out. Leaders want to throw up their hands and quit.

Try to create clear actionable goals. These are different than standard goals because you break them down into actionable tasks, much like a to-do list. Plan them out by week or month with measurable milestones.

For best results, keep your leaders and volunteers on track by having a special members-only section on your site or private Facebook group. This allows everyone to share their progress, ask questions and see what to do next without so many meetings.

4. Maintain An Active Website

Many people turn to the Internet to find the right church. You’ll not only increase momentum and growth, but you’ll better connect with your current members and new visitors by having an active website. When you stay active on your site, your church’s personality shines through. This allows potential new members to get an idea of what to expect before they walk through your doors.

5. Stay Active On Social Media

Another outlet to spread the word about your church is social media. Sharing humorous Christian memes or inspirational quotes with stunning backdrops gives your members something great to share with their own friends and family. The more people you have talking about your church and sharing your messages, the better.

6. Create Volunteer Challenges

How active are your volunteers? If it’s hard to get volunteers or your volunteers seem to have hit a brick wall, try some fun volunteer challenges to spice things up. Volunteers are crucial to your church’s growth, but they have to feel passionate about what they do to stick with it and enjoy it.

Challenge everyone in your church to volunteer at something, whether it’s at your church or something else in the community. It could even be something online. Help build that desire to volunteer. Hold fun contests regularly to make volunteers work harder towards set goals and tasks. The more fun you have with it, the more volunteers you’ll have.

7. Equip Your Members To Spur Growth

Asking your members and volunteers to spread the word isn’t always enough. You have to equip them to increase momentum and spur growth. Provide training, help them better understand your church’s purpose and give them resources to share with their friends, family and acquaintances.

8. Make Services More Engaging

Finally, to increase momentum, you have to ensure you maintain the members you already have. If they’re not happy, growth isn’t possible. Consider a better sound system, use social media during services to get live feedback from members, reference current events during sermons and have more interactive moments.

Does your church have a site to help drive growth? Contact us today to learn more about creating the perfect church website for your needs.


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