How To Get More Facebook Likes For Your Church

Thomas Costello Leave a Comment

Every church leader wants to expand their reach, and one of the best places to reach people is on social media. 

And the largest and most used social network is still Facebook. 

In today’s episode, we share the seven tips you need to know to help your church get more likes on Facebook.  

We hope this conversation helps you reach more people and grow. 

Build a Complete Facebook Page

If you want more likes on your Facebook page, you need to make sure to include all of your information. Spend the time to complete your about page fully. Include your web address, social links, and all of your service times and office hours. The more you complete on your about page, the more likely you are to be found. 

Use Amazing Photography

Photos are more engaging than text, so make sure your Facebook page is full of great photography. Most importantly, make sure your profile image and background image stand out. If you don’t have great photos of people caught in the act doing the values of your church, now is a great time to make that happen. 

Choose The Right Name

When you set up your account, you chose your tag, URL, and church name. It might be time to revisit those. In general, you want these to be short and consistent across all social channels. If your church has a long name that you rarely use, don’t use that on Facebook ever. Generally, you should use the most common way that people refer to your church. When you get up to give announcements and say welcome to _________; That is the name you want to use. 

There are so many places to include links to your church Facebook page. To name a few, you should include your Facebook link:

  • On your website
  • In your email signature
  • On your other social channels
  • In your youtube video descriptions

Any place you have a digital presence is a great place to link to your Facebook profile. 

Post Consistently

If you want to start to grow your reach on Facebook, you need to post consistently. If you decide you will post when you have something interesting to say, you will find that you rarely post. Come up with a schedule. For Facebook, we find that posting once daily seems to be about right. 

Engage Consistently

Just posting isn’t enough. You need to engage with those that interact with your church on Facebook. Never let a comment go without a reply. In those replies, try to ask a follow-up question. This is how you make social media a social exercise. 

Pay for Likes

Finally, you can go with the easiest way to get likes. You can pay for people to like your page. Don’t ever, under any circumstances, pay a flat rate for a certain number of likes. This is just vanity and winds up hurting your page in the long run. For some churches, it might make sense to pay for Facebook ads targeting a particular audience in your community that may be likely to engage with your content.  

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How To Get More Facebook Likes For Your Church

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