10 Church Leadership Blogs You Need To Be Reading

Thomas CostelloChurch Leadership 10 Comments

Let’s face it: being a pastor is hard. Really, really hard.

There seems to be no end to the amount of work we have to do to lead a church.  There are sermons to prepare, staff meetings to run, and there is always that person who wants to have a talk about something you said in your sermon.

With all the pressures on a pastor, it is easy to get behind in your personal growth. In addition to our own devotions and time in the Word, it is important that church leaders continue to develop their gifts.

One of the best ways to do that is by learning from other pastors. Some of them take the time to communicate their experiences on their blogs. We can learn from their mistakes and be encouraged by their successes.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about growing in church leadership skills and we’ll provide you with our list of the top 10 church leadership blogs you should be reading right now.

Let’s jump in.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Church Leadership Growth

Church Leadership Growth

Before we get into our list of the top 10 church leadership blogs you should be reading, let’s take some time to explore growth as a church leader. We’ll go over the importance of holistic personal growth, enhancing your effectiveness as a pastor, and building a healthy culture in your church. Before we get into the how, it’s always important to understand the why.

Building a Strong Foundation

Holistic personal growth is crucial for pastors and church leaders because it builds a strong foundation for effective ministry. In the church world, leaders are expected to guide their congregations spiritually, emotionally, and practically. When pastors and church leaders invest in their own growth, they set an example for their leadership teams and ministry leaders.

This growth includes developing their spiritual life, emotional health, intellectual capacity, and relational skills. A well-rounded leader who practices self-care and continuous learning is better equipped to address the diverse needs of their local church.

According to Barna Group, the increase in pastors at high risk for burnout has jumped from 11% in 2015 to 40% in 2022.

Source: Barna Group

If a pastor doesn’t take good care of themselves and focuses more on the growth of others than themselves, they might become a part of that statistic. Alternatively, a strong personal foundation enhances their ability to lead with integrity and wisdom, which is essential for successful church development and a thriving church ministry.

Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness

For leadership teams, holistic personal growth translates directly into enhanced effectiveness. Pastors and church leaders who prioritize their own development are more likely to be skilled communicators, empathetic listeners, and strategic thinkers. These qualities are vital for navigating the complexities of church ministry and fostering a positive church environment.

When leaders grow personally, they bring fresh insights and renewed energy to their roles, which can inspire and motivate their teams. This personal enrichment helps leaders make better decisions, manage conflicts more effectively, and build stronger relationships within their local church. As a result, the entire church ministry benefits from a more dynamic and capable leadership team.

We need to make sure that we are growing daily. In the words of the revivalist Smith Wigglesworth: “If you are in the same place today as you were yesterday you are a backslider.”

Quote: Smith Wigglesworth

As pastors, we can’t stay in the same place. We need to be constantly learning.

Fostering a Healthy Church Culture

Personal growth is essential for fostering a healthy church culture. This is because in the context of church development, leaders who engage in self-improvement and self-awareness contribute to a more positive and supportive environment. Their growth then encourages a culture of learning and openness among ministry leaders and congregation members alike.

By demonstrating commitment to their own development, pastors and church leaders model the values of growth and resilience for their church community. This, in turn, cultivates a church culture where individuals are motivated to pursue their own growth and support one another. A healthy church culture promotes unity, encourages volunteerism, and strengthens the overall effectiveness of the local church’s ministry.

In conclusion, holistic personal growth is vital for pastors and church leaders. It strengthens their foundation, enhances their leadership effectiveness, and fosters a healthy church culture. When investing in their own growth, leaders set a powerful example for their leadership teams and the entire church community, ultimately contributing to more successful church development and impactful ministry.

Top 10 Blogs for Pastors

Top 10 Blogs for Pastors

And that’s everything you need to know about the importance of personal growth for church leaders. Now it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: our top 10 christian leadership blogs. Each of these powerful blogs equips church leaders to grow in their pastoral skills and lead their churches even better than before.

Here are some of the most helpful church leadership blogs out there. Take the time to learn from those that are in the trenches with you.

1. Carey Nieuwhof


Carey is one of the most prolific church leadership bloggers out there. He is constantly creating new content and never shies away from tough subjects. He never seems to be afraid to challenge his readers, and they are better for it.

In addition to his blog, he offers a leadership podcast with fantastic guests each week.

2. Ron Edmondson


Ron is the pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church and offers a fresh take on church leadership and culture on his blog. His content is geared toward lead pastors and includes lots of organizational leadership advice.

If you lead a church staff or think you may lead one in the future this blog is for you.

3. Tony Morgan


Tony is the Chief Strategic Officer at The Unstuck Group. His blog is all about helping churches get unstuck. The numbers show that 80%-85% of churches in America are plateaued or declining. Tony’s blog aims to help correct that trend.

Tony writes about topics that challenge leaders to reconsider what they have always done. After all, we can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results.

4. Thom Rainer


One of our absolute favorite church leadership blogs is from Thom Rainer. The President of LifeWay has his finger on the pulse of the church in the US. His work is geared toward anyone in a ministry role and is almost always valuable.

We love the way he seems to be ultra-practical with all of his encouragement.  Read a post and you will come away with some next steps you can implement today.

5. The Exchange by Ed Stetzer


Ed is the former Director of LifeWay Research and currently serves as the Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism. His blog, along with several other church leadership blogs, is hosted at Christianity Today and offers content that bridges the divide between ministry, culture, and sometimes politics.

Ed is a pastor to pastors and his writings will challenge you to consider some of your deep held assumptions.

6. ChurchTechToday


ChurchTechToday, run by Lauren Hunter, is a blog for all things church and technology. They produce consistently good content about church web development, church management software, and worship technology.

The team of writers are all experts in their industry and will equip you to take full advantage of technology in your church.

7. Vanderbloemen Search Group


The Vanderbloemen Search team are thought leaders in the area of church staffing and produce great content on that topic and a variety of others.

The blog is run not by one person, but the whole of the staff. Each person has a unique expertise and their posts are almost always worthwhile.

The majority of their content focuses on church human resources issues.

8. Pastors.com


Pastors.com is designed to be a place where church leaders connect. Their main goal is to help you become a healthy pastor so you can lead a healthy church.

Rick Warren founded the blog and is still an active contributor.

Their content is very pastoral, always encouraging, and will help your church to be more effective in ministry.

9. Church Leaders


Church Leaders is all about resourcing pastors to become better leaders. They produce content daily from a variety of pastors from around the world. In addition to providing content, one of their goals is to provide a place of community for leaders.

They allow pastors to submit their own original content for publishing on the site.

10. Babylon Bee


No list of church leadership blogs would be complete without a little fun. The Babylon Bee is a Christian satire site that you may have seen on Social Media. They are known for their hilarious headlines that poke fun at some of the quirks of Christian culture.

Their content is always light-hearted and fun in nature and can surely provide a refreshing laugh.

Church Leadership

Church Leadership

In summary, holistic personal growth is fundamental for pastors and church leaders. It not only fortifies their own foundation but also enhances the effectiveness of leadership teams and nurtures a healthy church culture.

By prioritizing their spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and relational development, leaders set a compelling example for their congregation and ministry leaders. This commitment to growth impacts every aspect of church ministry, from decision-making and conflict resolution to fostering unity and engagement within the local church.

From the wisdom of Carey Nieuwhof to the gathered knowledge of the Vanderbloemen Search Group, there are plenty of blogs to help equip you with what you need. Whether you are a senior pastor, a vice president, a lead pastor, executive pastor, there is always areas where you can grow.

Is there a blog that is part of your weekly routine that we missed on this list?  Let us know in the comments below and we’ll be sure to check it out?

Also – Our blog here at REACHRIGHT isn’t too shabby either.  Make sure you check it out!

More Resources on Church Health

About The Author

Comments 10

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  1. I’ve read some of them as per your recommendations and indeed it has given me insights on how our great Texas pastor has truly led our church to great heights.

  2. Amazing Content on this website, The website is very helpful for those who are searching for church leaders Blogs, as it has top 10 church leaders blog who are creating new content and never shies away from tough subjects. Thanks for sharing.

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