As a church leader, you’re always looking for the perfect tithes and offerings verses to use in your worship services. Not only do these scriptures help remind your congregation of …
108 Powerful Scriptures On Giving to Share During Offering Time
Are you preparing to lead the giving or tithes and offerings part of service this weekend at church? Although it can be intimidating to talk about giving in church, there …
10 Ways To Make It Easy to Talk About Giving in the Church
Money is a touchy subject of conversation, especially for churches. But you can’t avoid the subject of giving in the church, so how can you handle it better? Giving is …
11 Easy and Effective Fundraising Ideas for Your Church
As a church leader, you know how important it is to inspire your members to give. Giving funds your church’s activities and allows you to serve your community. And, of …
7 Powerful Online Giving Companies For Churches
Church online giving has come a long way in recent years. When the pandemic hit and churches were forced to pivot to a virtual church experience, having an online giving …
7 Church Giving Apps to Skyrocket Your Donations and Tithing Experience
Tithing is a challenge many churches have had for centuries. But thanks to church giving apps, that doesn’t have to be as much of an issue as it used to …
501c3 Church Status – Discover the Pros and Cons
As a church leader, one big question you might have is: should you pursue 501c3 church non-profit status? It’s something we all have to look into and consider as pastors …
5 Biblical Reasons to Give – Plus 15 Tithing Verses
Giving is a vital aspect of a thriving Christian life. The Bible is filled with scriptures that paint a picture of the positive impact of generous giving. When we give, …
15 Places To Add Online Giving For Your Church
Statistics show that online giving is the perfect way to help increase tithing in your church. The key is knowing where to add online giving for your church to reach …
Should You Invest In A Church Giving Kiosk?
When it comes to digital giving options, a church giving kiosk is a popular option. Think of it as a collection plate that takes credit cards. The big question is …