If you’re looking for a new way to study the Bible, look no further than these 12 top Bible Study Apps. You’ll find reading the Bible isn’t a task to check off a list, but something to look forward to every day.
These Bible study apps are compatible for both iPhone and Android users. We have more access to the Bible and different ways to study it now more than ever. Now we quite literally have the ability to learn more about any subject in a small device in our pockets.
We hope you gain fresh new perspectives and inspiration when downloading any of these Bible apps.
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes
Table of contents
Benefits of following a Bible Study

There could be a million reasons that you’re in search of a great and useful Bible study app. Perhaps you want to form a new habit of reading your Bible daily. Or maybe you want to dive even deeper into the history and context of the time it was written.
Whatever the reason, it can be incredibly helpful to follow a Bible study. There are Bible studies on practically every topic that you might want to know about. From healthy relationships to living a more Christ-like life.
Bible studies can enrich our understanding of the Word. It can sometimes be difficult to imagine the world in which the Bible was written. That’s where Bible commentaries come in handy.
Experts on the subject who have dedicated their lives to studying the Bible can help us understand. When we understand the words we read on a deeper level, it has the power to impact our lives and grow our relationship with God.
Beginner steps to studying the Bible
It might feel overwhelming when you first start to study the Bible. Which order should I read it in? What version should I focus on? How fast should I be reading?
These are all questions that you ultimately decide for yourself. There is no “right” way to study the Bible as long as you are being purposeful with your time when you do.
3 easy steps to studying the Bible:
- Acquire a Study Bible
- There are specific Bibles that are meant for studying and provide commentaries as you read along. Check out our blog on the ultimate guide to the best bible study tools to find the best fit for you. When you use a study Bible, you can read important contextual information in real-time. Often, study Bibles even have maps to help you picture what things would’ve looked like.
- Take notes
- It’s been proven that when you take notes, handwritten or typed out, you retain the knowledge you’re trying to learn at a higher rate. This is also a helpful skill when you want to look back over the years at what you’ve already learned. Or if you want to cross-reference something from another commentary, you can compare it in your notes.
- Use a Bible concordance
- A concordance has an alphabetical index of words used in the Bible and references where the words occur in the Bible. Most concordances are free online and easy to navigate. This can be a helpful way to study the Bible when dealing with other languages such as Hebrew or Greek to find the true meaning of the Bible.
Top 12 Bible Study Apps
If you’re looking for a Bible study app to enhance your studies then we’re here to help. Whether you only have 5 minutes at the beginning of your day or an hour to spend studying, there is something for everyone.
All of these Bible study apps are free and can be downloaded wherever you download your apps for your phone.
1. YouVersion Bible App
The YouVersion Bible App has over 500 million downloads. They offer over 2,898 Bible versions in over 1,884 languages for free! YouVersion allows you to track your progress and even share it with friends. The app sends out notifications daily to remind you to read your current plan.

In this app, you can highlight bible text, search for the definition of a word and easily switch between Bible versions. Personally, I love this app and use it daily. You can search for Bible study plans by topic or words. They come in varying lengths from 1 day to several weeks. One of the most popular plans they have is to read the Bible in a year.
2. Accordance Bible Software
The Accordance Bible Software app is one of the most comprehensive Bible softwares on the market. The app has cross platform capability and keeps track of any notes and plans on all devices. This is a great Bible app if you’re looking to study the history and meaning of words. You can easily highlight and hover over text to find out the meaning and direct translation from the original language.

Directly in the app, you have access to dictionaries, commentaries, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, cross-references, preachings, devotionals and more. They offer the unique ability to create your own interlinear Bible with Greek, Hebrew, English and even more languages.
3. Olive Tree Bible App
The Olive Tree app is an amazing resource to take your reading to the next level. It is free to download and has over 200,000 ratings. They make it easy to track your progress and keep all of your Bible studies in one location.

Download books and use them anytime and anywhere with offline access. This app works on a phone or a laptop. Customize your note taking with different highlight colors, text colors and the ability to go to dark mode for night time reading.
4. Bible.Is
The Bible.Is app is an incredible resource. They focus on high quality dramatized audios of the Bible. Not only can you listen to the Bible and different study plans, you can watch high quality gospel films about the life and ministry of Jesus. Their mission is to reach as many people as possible with the message of Jesus Christ, and that is done by translating the Bible in as many languages as possible.

5. First 5 App
If you only have 5 minutes in the morning, then the First 5 app is the one for you. Their goal is to help you dedicate your first 5 minutes to God. These study plans are short and succinct. They do offer 15 minute study plans if you find you have a little more time.

The First 5 app is well designed and easy to navigate. Search through hundreds of different plans in the Old or New testament and keep track of your progress. The plans are organized by category and year. This is a great Bible study app to get you started as it’s non committal with only 5 minutes to start your day.
6. Bible Gateway App
The Bible Gateway app is free to download and is a great Bible study app. You have the ability to read, study, share and listen to the Bible and study plans. Set up daily reminders to dive into your current reading plan. Their interface is easy to use and organized and you can take notes and save highlights from all your favorite verses.

7. Blue Letter Bible App
The Blue Letter Bible study app is one of the most comprehensive and helpful tools. Study the original Hebrew and Greek at the touch of a finger. Read different version of the Bible in parallel Bible study view. Deepen your study with their Treasury of of Scripture Knowledge. This app is great for someone trying to dive into the definition and meaning of words in the Bible.

8. NIV Bible App +
The NIV Bible app is developed by Olive Tree, so if you like their app, then download their app specifically for the New International Version of the Bible. This app is integrated with Jesus film so you can watch the Word come to life. If you’re a visual learner, then this is a great app for you as you study. Track your progress, highlight and save verses, and download all study plans for offline use.

9. She Reads Truth
She Reads Truth is a wonderful app for any woman or young girl. This is specifically catered to women of all ages looking to study the Bible. The She Reads Truth community is a great place for women to find their place and grow their relationship with God. Find plans to encourage your walk with Christ and become the woman God made you to be. Not only is this app a great tool, but it is beautifully designed!

10. Bible Memory App
The Bible Memory app is just what is sounds like. This is a great study tool to begin studying and remembering verses of the Bible. Whether you need to learn verses for preaching, teaching or an upcoming test, this is the app for you.

Track your progress and improve you memory. Work with friends to learn together, and encourage each other. Their memorization techniques works as follows: kinesthetic memory, visual memory, and auditory memory.
11. Logos
Study the Word on the go with the Logos Bible study app. Design your own reading plan to work with your time and what you want to study. The Logos app is unique in that it allows you to upload pictures of physical books and scan for references. Logos has theological guides, exegetical guides and thousands of Bible study plans to choose from.

12. Dwell
The Dwell app is a beautifully designed app to focuses on giving you a wonderful listening experience. There are 10 different voices to choose from when picking out your audio, as well as music that pairs with the scripture as you read.

This is a great app for someone who spends a lot of time in their car and can only listen to the Bible. You can listen to passages of the Bible or Bible study plans. Change the volume of the music and voices to customize your listening experience.
Other Bible Study Tools
Along with books or apps, there are other great Bible study tools to choose from. Pair Bible audio tools, dictionaries and advanced word study searches to fully enhance your studying experience.
Audio Bibles
There are so many great options to listen to the Bible. From different accents, to dramatic readings, listening to the Bible will transport you to the time it was written in a way that has never been done before. Sometimes it can be easier to listen to someone read than to read ourselves.
Bible Dictionaries
Thankfully, most of the apps listed above have the ability to search and define words at the touch of your finger. If you prefer to have a physical copy of a Bible dictionary, there are many options for that as well.
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the text in the Bible when it refers to things we no longer use like a “drachma” which is unit of money used in ancient Greece.
Advanced word study searches
There are many websites that allow you to search any word to find it in the Bible. Websites like Christianity.com and Blue Letter Bible let you search through any version of the Bible to find any word or phrase. So if you can’t quite remember where you heard that Bible verse, use one of these tools to help you look!
As you can see there are so many great free Bible study apps too choose from. Any of these options whether you choose them for multiple translations or note taking capability, you can study God’s word.
Take your time with God to the next level and download one of these powerful bible study apps today!
Comments 1
Please also consider adding the Bible Study Together app…
The Bible Study Together app offers a unique reading plan that combines the New Testament and Old Testament in a cohesive way, ensuring that the teachings of the New Testament are connected to the stories, psalms, and prophecies of the Old Testament while still maintaining their original context. This chronological reading plan can be completed in under 10 minutes per day and supports offline reading. The app allows users to listen to the Bible in multiple translations, including ESV, NLT, NASB, and KJV. Additionally, it provides a wide range of resources such as over 3,000 daily study questions, more than 650 custom Bible maps, Holy Land videos, and introductions to each book of the Bible. App users can easily communicate with their group members within the app, share prayer requests, and manage their prayers effectively.
You can learn more about it here: https://biblestudytogether.com/best-bible-app/