How often have you heard someone in your community say they wish they had known about a church event? Sadly, many churches work long hours to put together events for …
When It’s Time To Plant A Church
It’s not always easy to know when it’s time to plant a church. It’s a difficult journey, but one that’s well worth it when God calls you to start a …
Looking For A Great Pastor? Don’t Do This
Finding a great pastor for your church is vital to keeping members engaged and the church itself growing. The only problem is, it takes work to find the right pastor. …
When Volunteers Have Had Enough
Churches can’t survive without volunteers. With few paid staff, church volunteers take on a wide variety of important tasks. However, you can push volunteers too far. When they’ve had enough, …
7 Reasons Pastors Feel Unworthy
While members typically look to their pastors to help uplift them, sometimes pastors need the same support. As surprising as it may be, pastors feel unworthy sometimes. They’re human just …
The Importance Of Being An Agile Leader
Agile is a term that’s often used in the business world, but your church is a type of business. This means applying the agile concept is vital for helping your …
When Facebook Gets All Nasty About Your Church
Facebook was created as a way to socialize with friends and family, but sometimes it turns into a place filled with negativity and bullying. This doesn’t mean the social network …
What Teens Want In Mobile Apps
Adding more teens as members is vital to growing your church. The only problem is you have to figure out how to engage them on their terms. Luckily, teens love …
Why Your Church Needs An SSL Certificate
You encounter an SSL certificate every time you shop online on reputable sites. However, they’re not just for e-commerce sites. Your church should also have an SSL certificate if you …
What Happens When Narcissism Creeps In?
When you think of a church leader, you usually think of a selfless individual who wants to serve God and help others explore their faith. But, what happens when narcissism …