Are You Ready To Start Reaching Your Community?

We offer two ways for churches to start reaching their community on TV. Our most popular option is a church commercial campaign. This is a set of six similarly themed commercials designed to establish a brand in your community.
We also offer individual variety spots for churches looking to make a short term impact.
Check out our portfolio below.

Reach Your Community With High Quality Church TV Commercials

People Like You Campaign

The People Like You Campaign is our all time best selling campaign of church commercials. Thousands of visitors have come through the doors of churches like yours after seeing these 30 second church tv commercials air.

Marital Status






Where Do You Turn Campaign

The Where Do You Turn Campaign is our newest series of church TV commercials.
It is designed to reach people when they are in a place of transition in their lives and invite them to find hope in Jesus Christ.

Cold War

Bottomless Pit

You Died


Livin’ The Dream

Half Alive

Variety Church TV Commercials

If a campaign isn’t for your church, we have plenty of individual variety church TV commercials for you. You can see all of our commercials on our YouTube Channel.

How Much?

Got Jesus?

Frantic Santa


Family Fued


Cold Sweat


The List

The Letter



Perfect Man

One Moment


So… How Much Does it Cost?

Great Question! We’d love to answer it for you. If you were to produce these church commercials on your own you would invest tens of thousands of dollars to create something of similar quality. We want to help your church grow for a tiny fraction of that cost.

Fill out the form to the right and we will get cracking on putting a quote together for your ministry.