As church leaders, it can be tempting to strive for the newest, hippest Christmas series ideas. But while a fresh approach is always welcome, let’s not forget that people crave comfort and familiarity during the holiday season.
When it comes to your Christmas sermon, people expect and want to focus on the “reason for the season” which is the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Don’t forget that Christmas is also a time when people who have never stepped foot in a church are open to attending services, especially with a warm invitation and an appealing sermon series!
So, let’s explore some Christmas sermon series ideas that will appeal to new visitors and bring the hope of Christ to all who are seeking Him!
Table of contents
Reaching New Visitors During the Christmas Season
You probably know that church attendance spikes at Easter and Christmas but do you ever think about why that is?
What draws people to attend church and be more open to God during these times? Are people more willing to invite? And how does do your sermon series ideas impact these things?
Those are questions to consider as you plan your sermon series.
Keep your guests in mind
As you brainstorm Christmas sermon series ideas, think through the following to keep your guests’ perspective top of mind:
- Will this Christmas sermon series idea be easy to understood for someone outside the church (and unfamiliar with Christianese)?
- Will this sermon series idea be appealing and relatable for someone who’s not regularly attending church?
- Will this Christmas series idea make it easy for our congregation to invite others?
5 Engaging Christmas Sermon Series Ideas
If you’re a pastor or church leader trying to come up with new ideas for sermon series and get your creative juices flowing for Christmas, then consider borrowing one of the following Christmas sermon series themes.
Each of these sermon ideas includes:
- A general concept
- Some specific sermon series names with links to resources
But don’t forget to pray and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Your church’s unique messaging and perspective should influence your Christmas sermon series ideas and pastors’ preaching.
1. Hope for the World
The Christmas season is often described as the most wonderful time of the year, and for good reason.
It’s a time for gathering with loved ones, spreading joy and cheer, and taking some much-needed time off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
But perhaps most importantly, it’s a time for hope.
Christ’s birth impacts the world because His life, death, and resurrection give us the ultimate hope of eternal life in heaven.
And hope is something people are desperate for today. Whatever their current situation, political persuasion, and religious beliefs may be…everyone is looking for hope for the future!
Focusing your Christmas sermon series on HOPE and the love of God will be a welcome and inviting message for people from all walks of life.
It’s all too easy to get lost in the negative events happening around us.
However, as we celebrate the hope we were given in the first Christmas, and the real meaning of the season, we can rejoice in the greatest gift of all time.
Sermon Series Ideas

2. Who is Jesus?
Who is Jesus, really? Depending on who you ask, you’ll get various responses.
Some see Him as a wise teacher or prophet, while others may think of Him as nothing more than a fictional character from a religious text.
But for Christians, Jesus is so much more.
He’s the Son of God, sent to earth to save us from our sins by dying on the cross and rising again. His life, death, and resurrection impact the entire world.
Most are familiar with the Christmas story.
It starts with an angelic visitation to Mary, a trip to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus in a manger, angels proclaiming the good news to shepherds, and a visit from wise men.
But there’s more to the nativity story than we find in children’s books…
This same story begins in the Old Testament and extends beyond the gospels and early church into our present day.
People are very curious about the life of Jesus and what Christ’s coming means for them. They want to know more about God and His plan for their lives.
Another thing to consider is that there are more historical and Bible study resources now at peoples’ fingertips than ever before.
As they Google research topics (from potentially questionable sources), they may have questions qnd confusion. Christmas services are a great time to set the record straight and a deeper study on the historical context and life of Jesus would be a well-received Christmas sermon series.
Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

3. Holiday Season Traditions
Christmas isn’t only a beloved time of the year because of the presents, hot chocolate, and holiday movies…but these traditions definitely create fond memories!
Another one of our Christmas sermon series ideas is to highlight seasonal traditions and relate them to the Christmas story.
A sermon series on holiday traditions could expound on the “why” behind our drive for decorating, sending cards, sharing meals, gift-giving, and even the phrase “Merry Christmas”.
With a little thought, research, and prayer, you can see how Christmas season traditions tie back to God, biblical principles, and the power of Christ’s coming.
And holiday traditions are a great jumping-off point since it’s a topic everyone can relate to!
As we said before, the Christmas sermon series ideas we’re going for are topics that appeal to new guests and the unchurched and draw them in. At the same time, pastors can teach a solid word and preach the powerful message of the gospel.
Although Christmas holidays bring up fond memories of comfort and tradition, the Christmas message is ultimately about Jesus’ birth and the plan of God for our lives.
Sermon Series Ideas

4. Waiting on Christmas (An Advent Sermon Series)
What’s so great about celebrating Christ’s birth and the Christmas story year after year?
Well, the great joy we feel during the Christmas season is largely a product of the anticipation that builds all year long.
Although not all churches follow a liturgical calendar, it can be helpful recognize seasons of reflection and look forward to what’s coming.
This is what Advent is all about…
Advent is the season leading up to Christmas, typically starting on the fourth Sunday before December 25th.
The word “advent” comes from the Latin word for “coming”, which gives us a clue about its purpose. It’s about preparing ourselves for the birth of Christ and anticipating the celebration of the Christmas story.
Preaching concepts like waiting and patience may sound like a challenge, especially in today’s instant-result culture!
Yet that’s all the more reason to address this timely topic in your sermon series.
You can focus on how Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and John the Baptist waited for God’s timing. Or even how Jesus Himself went through a time of waiting and period of development before stepping into full-time ministry.
Powerful transformation happens in our times of waiting!
Advent Sermon Series Ideas

5. Movies and Music
We know sermon ideas based on Christmas movies and carols are nothing new but sometimes Christmas sermon series remain popular year after year because they’re effective!
Most people will happily sing along to well-known Christmas carols. You can choose four songs and cover one each week leading up to Christmas day. (And throw in some special musical features.)
Traditional Christmas song lyrics usually focus on concepts like peace, joy, and love. In turn, these reflect the true meaning of Christmas and can serve as inspiration for preaching.
(Although there are lots of popular songs out there, it’s best to stick with those that focus on Christ.)
Christmas at the Movies has been a popular Christmas series for many churches for years now.
People love movies, and there are many Christmas options to choose from.
We know that video is extremely powerful, and the inspiration your congregation can draw from a movie story can be relatable, memorable, and impactful.
Just remember, when you’re preaching a Christmas sermon series like this it’s easy for pastors to get pulled into the entertainment factor of the movie.
Be sure you’re preaching truth from the Bible and your Christmas sermon remains focused on God and Christ.
Sermon Series Ideas

Celebrate the Christmas Story
The birth of Christ, which we celebrate as the first Christmas, is the foundation of Christianity and the reason Christmas is such a big deal!
Whatever Christmas sermon series you decide on, make sure your focal point is Christ.
Church leaders, let us know your favorite Christmas series ideas in the comments below!
More Holiday Ideas
January 1st is just around the corner, so be sure to check out our New Years sermon ideas. If you liked Christmas Series Ideas, check out these other posts with sermon ideas and more.