You might feel as though your church has all the right marketing strategies in place to really reach people this Christmas season. Your social media posts, up until now, have been engaging. Additionally, you’re confident that your website is working well to connect with new visitors. In addition, the church’s social media profiles are healthy and engaging.
But still, you find yourself sometimes struggling on the creative side of things, especially now during the holidays. You and your member volunteers are running low on post ideas. What you need is a roster of great social media post suggestions.
Here are some social media post examples to inspire your holiday messages this year. They’re just what you need right now to make sure you’re on track with social posting all month long. Additionally, you can use these to build other engagement efforts well into the new year!
Table of contents
- ‘What’s Your Favorite Holiday Tradition?’
- ‘Meet John, Our Spotlight Ministry Volunteer of the Week’
- ‘Take a Virtual Tour with Us!’
- ‘What are you listening to this holiday season?’
- ‘Quotes from the Pastor Series’
- ICYMI: Recap an Event Locally
- Create a Church Contest with Social Media Posts All Holiday Season Long
- ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16’
- ‘Member Testimonial Series: Angela’s Faith Story’
- ‘This Week in Our Ministry Explained Series, We’ll Talk About Scripture’
- ‘Here’s What We’re Learning This Week’
- ‘We’re Here to Help Series – Canned Goods Donations Delivered’
- ‘It’s Poll Time! What Songs Do You Prefer to Hear During Christmas Eve Service?’
- More On Chrstimas Social Media Posts

‘What’s Your Favorite Holiday Tradition?’
Asking casual holiday questions via social media is a great way to engage with your church member audience online. For example, social media posts that offer interesting or seasonally relevant questions will generate a flurry of responses.
Additionally, these types of posts tend to be easier to come up with since and don’t have to be necessarily faith-related. So, whenever you feel creatively stuck, opt for posting questions. And you’ll exponentially grow awareness all holiday season long.
Other holiday questions to ask:
- What’s your favorite dish at Christmas dinner?
- What’s your favorite Christmas carol of all time?
- What holiday classic movie can you watch over and over again?
‘Meet John, Our Spotlight Ministry Volunteer of the Week’
Consider creating member volunteer recognition efforts this holiday season. Then, you can post shout-outs about amazing works or helping hands around the church. Include a candid photo of the celebrated member and maybe a little Christmas cheer testimonial or quote, too.
Other social media posts to use with “Member of the Week” campaigns:
- Meet Rebecca. She’s our spotlight member of the week because of the fabulous job she’s done with decorating the church for Christmas.
- Meet Stan. Stan is our spotlight member of the week as a respected leader of our Men’s Faith Group.
- Meet Elan. Elan’s voice has been lifting the hearts of our members every Sunday with her angelic renditions of the holiest songs. She’s our spotlight member of the week, and here’s a snippet of just how amazing she sounds. (Include video.)
‘Take a Virtual Tour with Us!’
Church social media posts can be fun and candid. Moreover, consider giving a brief virtual tour of your church’s campus or facilities to keep with a more relaxed and candid spirit. These types of posts are great for breaking the ice with potential new visitors, too, since you can walk them through exactly what to expect when they attend their first service.
Other social media posts about church tours include:
- Let’s go behind the scenes at ABD Faith Church and explore the church children’s center.
- If you’re interested in attending service this Christmas Eve, let’s show you what you can expect!
- Let’s listen in to our musician members who are practicing for the Christmas Eve service.
‘What are you listening to this holiday season?’
Sharing your holiday playlist is a great church social media post series to explore. Additionally, you can post about what’s on your iPod right now. And look to offer other great songs of the season your church members and potential guests might enjoy.
Some other playlist sharing-related posts to consider include:
- Here are our top five songs on our worship playlist. (Provide links to applicable online music outlets.)
- This is the best worship song to sing with in the car. (Provide links to applicable online music outlets.)
- What holiday or worship songs do your kids love to sing?
‘Quotes from the Pastor Series’
As the pastor of your ministry, you may not realize just how much of an impact you have on your members. And you’re probably better at moving and entertaining people than you’d freely admit.
But regardless of your style, the life of the party, or a spiritual advisor, share your sentiments all Christmas season long. It’s a great way to encourage social media administrators to contribute, as well. For example, they might have fond memories of some of their favorite pastoral quotes worth sharing, too.
Here are some pastoral nuggets of advice posed as Facebook posts:
- Bill Crowder: The greatest challenge left to us is to cut through all the glitz and glam of the holiday season that has grown increasingly secular and commercial to be reminded of the awe and beauty of the One who is Christmas.
- Dan Schaeffer: Christmas celebrates the awesome and amazing fact that God is grander, wiser, and more mysterious than we could have ever imagined.
- Peter Marshall: May we not ‘spend’ Christmas or ‘observe’ Christmas, but rather ‘keep’ it.
ICYMI: Recap an Event Locally
If your church is running low on social media post ideas, consider adding in an “In Case You Missed It” series of posts. As an example, you can recap some of the latest events in your church or within the community.
Tagging others and sharing photos from an event are great ways to spread the word, too. Additionally, you can encourage your members to share their stories.
Here are a few holiday event-related posts to customize for your church social media posts:
- ICYMI: Bob and Tina participated in the 5k Jingle Bell Run for cancer over the weekend.
- The Hughes family donated supplies they had been collecting to the local animal shelter.
- Little Jenny Smith celebrates the holiday season and her baptism this past Sunday.
Create a Church Contest with Social Media Posts All Holiday Season Long
You can have social media posts for the whole month by simply embarking on an online contest. Gather up any church merch you might have or contribute a few gift cards as potential gifts, and you’re all set.
Get ideas from your members or do a little Google searching online for great social media contests. Then, create a hashtag to share as people participate in your game, exponentially growing your church visibility online.
Here are a few that other contests and games that churches love to feature this time of year:
- Guess the number of ornaments in this jar. (Show a picture and share rules for how winners are determined.)
- Like & share this graphic on your page to enter into our drawing to win a Christmas ham this year! (Make sure you track those going into the pool and mention winners are chosen at random. Your shareable graphic should have your Christmas Eve services times featured with an invitation for new guests to join!)
- Enter to win the Best Pet in Christmas Costumes contest! (Ask people to submit photos of Felix and Fido in reindeer antlers, Santa hats, and Grinch costumes. Share rules and winner selection processes, too.)
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16’
You can’t go wrong with church social media posts when you turn to the Bible for help. For example, share some of the most iconic verses as social posts, inspiring others to explore their faith. Be sure to include dates and times for your Christmas services and open invitations for new guests to attend.
Here are some other Bible verses that resonate well with the general public:
- Luke 1:35 – The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.
- Matthew 2:1-2 – After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.
- Luke 2:10 – But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.
‘Member Testimonial Series: Angela’s Faith Story’
Some of the most effective ways to truly connect with others are with the use of testimonials. For your church social media posts, consider videos of members’ faith stories. Even brief conversations describing their first-time visits to the church can inspire others to come. Keep these videos for continued use year-round. But posting during the holidays can be just the social media invitation people need to venture into Sunday service.
Here are some other testimonial ideas worthy of social media posting:
- Mark shares what his first visit to the church was like at Christmas.
- Tony describes his hesitation to come back to the church and what changed his mind.
- Cathy swore she’d never set foot in a church again until this happened.

‘This Week in Our Ministry Explained Series, We’ll Talk About Scripture’
The language of the church can be complex for newcomers and existing members alike. Consider creating a series of church social media posts that offer definitions and explanations of some of those terms. You can invite people to learn more by visiting your church website, joining service online, or attending in person as a guest.
Here are some of the more misunderstood church terms you could post about on social media:
- What does it really mean for a person to be baptized in Christ?
- What is the Holy Spirit anyway?
- When people say they’ve found Jesus, what do they mean?
‘Here’s What We’re Learning This Week’
What Bible studies or sermon conversations are you having with members this week? Use those as topics worth exploring online with your social media. Share highlights and lessons learned, inspired by the Bible. Ask members to share their thoughts on Christmas-related ministry discussions, too.
Here are a few tidbits to explore with your church social media posts:
- What does Christ’s birth mean to us today?
- How the Spirit moves people to compassion during the holidays.
- What it means today, to have faith in the Lord during the Christmas season and beyond.
‘We’re Here to Help Series – Canned Goods Donations Delivered’
When you’re running low on church social media post ideas, consider sharing your good works. Post about contributions to local charities. Highlight those who’ve volunteered to help with a community project. In addition, make your church available to others who may be in need, and don’t forget to post Christmas service times with invitations to attend.
Here are a few charity-related social media posts that go a long way with others during the holidays:
- Fifty-seven children’s coats were collected for our coat drive! God bless all who donated to keep the kids warm this winter!
- Meals on wheels had a few extra volunteers last week with our very own church members who donated their time.
- Thanks to all who donated toys this year for our toy drive! It took two church vans to get everything delivered!
‘It’s Poll Time! What Songs Do You Prefer to Hear During Christmas Eve Service?’
Another great way for your church social media posts to engage others is with polling. Unlike posting traditional questions as statements, Facebook polls allow you to customize an actual survey. Then, existing members can jump in with their preferences. New potential guests can opt-in, too.
Here are some great social media post polls that people can’t help but participate in:
- Which Christmas Bible story would you like to hear during this year’s Christmas service?
- Which Christmas Eve Service time works best for your family this year?
- Would you be able to bring a guest to the Christmas service this year?
Even the best church social media strategies sometimes struggle to come up with engaging posts to share. So, tap into these ideas for inspiration. Keep posting every day or every week during the holidays, too. Keep your existing members engaged and your outreach efforts at maximum strength. And hopefully, these suggestions get those creative juices flowing for your church’s social media posts.
And if your ministry needs more ideas or better tools for digital engagement, let ReachRight help! We can help you make the most of this holiday season with ideas and resources for all of your digital engagement efforts.