Before the pandemic, most churches were offering online giving. As a new reality set in March of 2020, all of the stragglers got on board to allow members of their Church to give online.
But online giving is more than just a link on your website.
We see churches making some of the same mistakes over and over again when it comes to online giving.
Here are six online giving mistakes your church is probably making and how you can avoid them.
We hope this conversation helps your church reach more people and grow.
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Online Giving Mistake #1 – No Inspiration
If we want people to give we need to make sure that we give them a reason to give. Your online giving section needs to include scripture and other encouragement that will help people get over the hump of giving for the first time.
Online Giving Mistake #2 – No Explanation
In addition to inspiration, people need an explanation of why they should give. People want to know what they’re giving is going towards. Some churches are afraid that if they share too many details it might discourage giving but we’ve found the opposite to be true.
Online Giving Mistake #3 – Discouraging Credit Cards
Often we see churches make the decision to discourage people from using credit cards in order to save on fees. In most cases, this won’t benefit your church. Credit card fees range from two to three and a half percent of the transaction but the last thing you want to do is have people worried about that when they are making an online donation.
Online Giving Mistake #4 – Not Accepting Bitcoin
Only a very small percentage of churches today accept Bitcoin donations. This represents one of the biggest opportunities for many churches. While it’s true that most of your church probably doesn’t use cryptocurrency, those that do may want to give in that form. Receiving Bitcoin is easier than most people think and there can be huge tax savings for the donor.
Online Giving Mistake #5 – Not Asking For Donations
As is true with most things, you will get what you ask for. Many church leaders are tentative when it comes to asking people to give. You don’t need to be afraid to ask people to invest in the kingdom. While it should never be the main focus of your website or any other online presence, it is important to ask people to give online.
Online Giving Mistake #6 – Not Sharing Testimonies
Many church leaders underestimate the power of testimonies. This is especially true when it comes to testimonies about giving. if you hear someone share a story of financial victory at your church take the time to have them share it with the rest of your Church online. Written is okay but video testimonies are even better.
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