7 Inspiring Church Pinterest Strategy Ideas for Community Building

Shiloh Kaneshiro Leave a Comment

In today’s digital age, there are more ways than ever for churches to connect with and build their community. Pinterest has emerged as a powerful tool for community connection.

From sharing inspirational quotes to showcasing upcoming events, Pinterest offers churches a platform to engage with members and reach out to potential visitors in a visually appealing way. With its user-friendly interface and vast array of content categories, churches can easily create boards that reflect their values and interests.

Join us as we explore why your church should harness the power of Pinterest to inspire, inform, and connect with your communities. We’re also going to cover our top 7 strategies for using Pinterest to build your church community.

Let’s dive in.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Why Should My Church Use Pinterest?

In today’s digital world, churches are finding new ways to connect with their members and communities. One platform that’s gaining popularity among churches is Pinterest.

According to bloggingwizard, Pinterest has 454 million monthly active users as of 2021, and it has been on a steady rise.


If that was 2021, what do you think that number is at now in 2024? Clearly, Pinterest is a huge platform with tons of users.

But why should your church use Pinterest? Let’s learn more about the platform itself, then get to three reasons we believe your church should use Pinterest.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is like a big digital bulletin board where you can save and organize ideas you find online. It’s a bit like having a scrapbook, but all online! You can “pin” pictures, articles, or recipes onto different boards you create.

These boards can be about anything you like – from home decor to travel plans or even favorite Bible verses. It’s a fun and easy way to collect inspiration and share it with others. Plus, you can follow other people’s boards to see what they’re interested in and get even more ideas.

With Pinterest, you can explore new interests, plan events, or just daydream about the future – all in one colorful place!

Reaching Out to Your Community

Whether your church is in a bustling city or a quiet countryside, Pinterest can help you reach out to your community in many different ways. For example, if you’re a country church, you can use Pinterest to showcase the beauty of your surroundings, share photos from outdoor events, or even promote local initiatives like food drives or charity events.

Pinterest allows you to visually share your church’s values and mission with a wide audience, attracting new visitors and strengthening ties with existing members. You can also use Pinterest to collaborate with other churches or community organizations, amplifying your impact and building partnerships that benefit everyone involved.

Sharing Resources and Ideas

Sharing Resources and Ideas

Pinterest is a great place to share resources, ideas, and inspiration with your congregation. Whether it’s creative craft ideas for Sunday school, tips for enhancing worship experiences, or recipes for church potlucks, Pinterest offers a wealth of content that can enrich the life of your church community. You can create boards for different ministries or areas of interest, making it easy for members to find the information they need.

Additionally, Pinterest allows for collaboration, so multiple people within your church can contribute to boards and share their expertise. This collaborative approach fosters creativity and encourages participation, making everyone feel like they have a stake in the church’s mission.

Connecting with the Youth Group

Pinterest is a great place to connect with the younger members of your congregation, especially the youth group. Young people today are often tech-savvy and spend a lot of time online. By using Pinterest, your church can share inspirational quotes, Bible verses, and engaging content that resonates with young minds.

You can create boards specifically tailored to the interests of your youth group, such as fun activities, volunteer opportunities, or discussions about faith and life. By meeting young people where they are – online – you can build stronger connections and keep them engaged with the church community.

So What?

Pinterest is a valuable tool for churches looking to engage with their members and communities in meaningful ways. Whether you’re connecting with the youth group, reaching out to your community, or sharing resources and ideas, Pinterest offers a platform that’s easy to use and visually engaging.

So why should your church use Pinterest? Because it’s a great place to connect, share, and inspire others on their faith journey.

7 Church Pinterest Strategies

7 Church Pinterest Strategies

We hope we’ve convinced you that your church should use Pinterest to connect with your community. But how can you do that effectively? Let’s now explore our top 7 Pinterest strategies your church can use.

1. Create Inspirational Boards

You can create inspirational boards on Pinterest to uplift and inspire your church community. Share meaningful quotes from the gospel, comforting Bible verses, and images that reflect the love of Jesus.

These boards can serve as a safe place, providing a source of hope and encouragement for members throughout their week. By curating content that speaks to the heart and soul, you create a space where people can find solace, strength, and renewed faith.

Whether it’s a simple reminder of God’s love or a powerful message of redemption, your inspirational boards can be a beacon of light in a sometimes dark world, drawing people closer to the image of Christ.

2. Highlight Events/Activities

Highlighting events and activities on Pinterest is a great way to keep your church community informed and engaged. Here are some examples:

  • Create boards for upcoming events, such as worship services, youth group gatherings, and community outreach programs.
  • Pin colorful graphics and photos with clear descriptions to attract attention and spark interest.
  • Include details like dates, times, and locations to make it easy for members to participate.
  • Encourage sharing and collaboration by inviting members to pin their own ideas and suggestions.
  • Use boards to showcase past events, sharing photos and testimonials to celebrate successes and inspire future participation.
  • Keep boards updated regularly with new content to maintain excitement and momentum within the community.

Of course, we don’t suggest you only highlight upcoming events on Pinterest. Make sure you are advertising your events on your church website, your other social media apps, and during services.

3. Encourage Collaboration

Encourage Collaboration

Encouraging collaboration on Pinterest brings your church community closer together. Create group boards where members can share their ideas, inspirations, and favorite content. By inviting everyone to join in, you foster inclusivity and strengthen bonds.

Encourage sharing personal stories, testimonies, and experiences to deepen connections. Use comments and likes to engage with each other’s pins, showing support and appreciation. Set clear guidelines for respectful communication and content sharing to maintain a positive atmosphere.

Regularly acknowledge everyone’s contributions to the collaborative boards, reinforcing a sense of teamwork and unity within your church community.

4. Connect to Sermon Series

You can use Pinterest to connect to your sermon series‘ by creating boards dedicated to each series. Pin relevant scriptures, sermon notes, and discussion questions to engage your church community throughout the week. Use eye-catching graphics and clear descriptions to attract attention and encourage participation.

Share personal reflections and insights to deepen understanding and foster conversation. Invite members to contribute their thoughts and interpretations, creating a collaborative learning environment. Encourage the sharing of practical applications and real-life examples to apply the sermon’s teachings to everyday life.

Connecting your current sermon series on Pinterest provides a space for ongoing spiritual growth and reflection, strengthening the bonds within your church community and helping members apply biblical teachings to their lives in meaningful ways.

5. Share DIY Projects

Share DIY Projects

Share DIY projects on Pinterest to inspire creativity within your church community. Create boards filled with easy-to-follow tutorials, craft ideas, and homemade projects that align with your church’s values and activities.

Whether it’s making decorations for events, crafting gifts for outreach programs, or creating props for children’s ministry, DIY projects offer a fun and engaging way for members to get involved. Encourage sharing of photos and success stories from completed projects to celebrate achievements and inspire others. Provide tips and suggestions for adapting projects to fit different skill levels and resources, ensuring that everyone feels included and empowered to participate.

By sharing DIY projects on Pinterest, you foster a sense of teamwork and creativity within your church community, while also adding a personal touch to your church’s activities and events.

6. Assemble Educational Content

Sharing educational content on Pinterest is a fantastic way to share valuable resources with your church community. Here are some ideas:

  • Create boards dedicated to different topics such as Bible study, personal growth, and community outreach.
  • Pin articles, infographics, and videos that provide helpful insights and information.
  • Share practical tips and advice on various aspects of faith and daily life.
  • Include discussion questions and reflection prompts to encourage engagement and deeper understanding.
  • Collaborate with other members to curate content and share diverse perspectives.
  • Regularly update boards with new and relevant resources to keep members engaged.
  • Foster a supportive learning environment where everyone feels encouraged to explore and grow in their faith journey.

By assembling educational content on Pinterest, you provide a valuable resource that empowers your church community to learn, reflect, and connect with each other in meaningful ways.

7. Provide Family Resources

Providing family resources on Pinterest is a wonderful way to support families within your church community. Create boards filled with helpful tips, activities, and inspiration for parents and children alike. Share practical advice on parenting, including topics like discipline, communication, and building strong family relationships. Pin ideas for family-friendly activities, such as crafts, games, and outings, that promote quality time together.

Include resources for teaching children about faith, such as Bible stories, prayers, and devotional activities. Encourage sharing of personal experiences and success stories to inspire and uplift other families. Collaborate with members to curate content that reflects the diverse needs and interests of your church community.

When you provide family resources on Pinterest, you create a supportive and enriching environment where families can grow together in faith and love. You also foster connections between families, strengthening the bonds within your church community and creating a sense of belonging for everyone involved.

Pinterest for Churches

Pinterest for Churches

Pinterest offers churches a versatile platform to engage with their communities in meaningful ways. Whether it’s connecting with the youth group, reaching out to the wider community, or sharing resources and ideas, Pinterest provides a space for creativity, collaboration, and connection.

By harnessing the power of inspirational boards, highlighting events and activities, encouraging collaboration, and sharing educational content, churches can strengthen bonds within their community and deepen their impact on the lives of members. Moreover, by providing family resources and fostering a supportive environment for personal growth and spiritual development, churches can nurture a sense of belonging and unity among members of all ages.

As churches continue to adapt to the digital age, Pinterest offers a valuable tool for fostering community, sharing inspiration, and spreading the message of love and hope to all who seek it. So why wait? Start pinning and watch your church community flourish!

More Ideas on Church Connections

7 Inspiring Church Pinterest Strategy Ideas for Community Building

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