10 Church Content Creation Secrets for Viral Social Media Posts

Shiloh Kaneshiro Leave a Comment

In today’s digital age, churches are finding new ways to reach and engage their church community through social media. Creating content for social media platforms can help share the church’s message, events, and activities with a broader audience.

But what exactly is that content? What should churches be posting, and can they do everything they can to make sure it reaches the right audience and gains the traction they want? In today’s podcast, we’ll be covering everything content creation for social media. Our focus will be on our list of the top 10 church content creation secrets for viral social media posts.

With thoughtful planning and a focus on positivity, church content creation can become a powerful tool for spreading faith and fostering a sense of community online. Ready to learn more?

Let’s jump in.

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Connecting with the Community

Connecting with the Community

This podcast is all about creating content for social media. Before we jump into our top 10 secrets, let’s explore more about social media and why your church should use it. In the modern day, communication and connection is not like it used to be. Even churches need social media in order to reach the people they want to reach.

But it’s not that easy. For some of us, social media is a confusing mess we don’t understand. For others of us, just technology in general is a confusing mess we don’t understand. Let’s break it down into some simpler parts to we can learn more about how to use social media for our churches.

Church Social Media

Social media accounts are a great way for a local church to connect with its community. By creating profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, churches can share their message and activities with a wider audience.

These accounts allow churches to post updates about upcoming church events, share Christian content, and keep members informed. For instance, a local church can post about Sunday services, Bible study groups, and community outreach programs.

This helps church members stay updated and feel more involved. Additionally, social media makes it easier to reach people who might not attend church regularly but are interested in learning more about its activities and beliefs.

Essentially, social media is how you communicate and reach new people these days. People consume most of their new information and find new friends and communities by scrolling on social media apps. If a church has an effective social media page on multiple platforms, it is much more likely to meet new people.

According to Statistia, it takes Twitter only three-quarters of a year to reach 50 million people. By the same stats, it takes Facebook only one year, but other forms of communication like TV thirteen years or radio forty years!


The truth is obvious: social media reaches people like never before. So why not use it for your church’s outreach?

Sharing Christian Content

One of the main purposes of church social media is to share Christian content that inspires and uplifts. This can include Bible verses, inspirational quotes, prayers, and teachings. By sharing this type of content, churches can provide spiritual nourishment to their followers throughout the week, not just on Sundays.

Social media posts can also include short videos of sermons, worship songs, and testimonies. These posts can reach a broad audience and provide comfort and encouragement to those who might be going through tough times. It’s also an excellent way for a local church to demonstrate its values and beliefs, helping people to connect with its mission and message.

We’ll explore content creation more in our next section.

Promoting Church Events and Activities

Promoting church events and activities is another important purpose of church social media. By posting about upcoming services, holiday celebrations, and special programs, churches can increase attendance and participation. Social media accounts can also be used to share photos and videos from past events, showing the vibrancy and community spirit of the church.

This not only keeps current members engaged but also attracts new visitors who are curious about the church. For example, a church might post about a community service project, inviting members and non-members alike to join in.

This helps to build a stronger community both online and offline. Moreover, promoting events on social media ensures that important information reaches people quickly and efficiently, making it easier to organize and execute church activities.

Social media accounts play a crucial role in modern church life. They help local churches connect with their community, share Christian content, and promote church events and activities. By utilizing social media, churches can extend their reach beyond the walls of the church building, creating a church online that is accessible to everyone.

This builds a sense of belonging and keeps people engaged with their faith throughout the week. As churches continue to embrace these digital tools, they can spread their message more effectively and build a stronger, more connected community.

10 Content Creation Secrets

10 Content Creation Secrets

Now that we’ve covered social media and why its so important, let’s dive into what you should post on social media. Church content creation isn’t easy. Thankfully, we’ve compiled our list of the top 10 best church content creation secrets to help you out.

Let’s jump in.

1. Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is crucial for effective church content creation. Understand who they are and what they care about. Are they families, young adults, or seniors? By knowing audience preferences, you can create posts that resonate with them.

For example, young adults might enjoy modern worship music and event updates, while seniors might prefer traditional hymns and community news. Tailoring your content to meet these preferences ensures your posts are relevant and engaging.

When you connect with your audience’s interests and needs, your social media efforts will be more impactful and meaningful.

2. Inspire Your Followers

Sharing inspirational content is a great way to uplift your audience on social media. Post Bible verses, uplifting quotes, and inspiring stories that resonate with your community. These types of posts can provide comfort and encouragement, especially during challenging times.

Sharing short videos of sermons or testimonies can also be very impactful. When people see and hear messages of hope and faith, it can strengthen their connection to the church. Inspirational content not only engages your followers but also spreads positivity and reinforces the church’s mission to support and inspire its members.

3. Highlight Church Events

Highlighting church events on social media is essential for keeping an engaged community. Regularly post about upcoming services, special programs, and community outreach activities. Use clear details and eye-catching graphics to attract attention.

Sharing photos and videos from past events can also show the vibrancy and unity of your church. When people see these highlights, they feel more connected and are more likely to participate. An engaged community stays informed and involved, strengthening the bonds within the church. Promoting events on social media ensures everyone knows what’s happening and can join in the church’s activities.

4. Showcase Sermons/Teachings

Showcase Sermons/Teachings

Showcasing sermons and teachings on social media provides valuable content for your audience. It helps keep the church’s message alive throughout the week. Share highlights and key points from recent sermons to engage your followers. This valuable content can inspire and educate your community.

  • Post short video clips of sermons
  • Share powerful quotes from the pastor
  • Summarize key points in text posts
  • Include links to full sermon recordings

By showcasing these teachings, you provide spiritual nourishment and encourage deeper reflection. This keeps your audience connected to the church’s mission and message every day.

5. Utilize Visual Content

Utilizing visual content on social media is key to capturing attention and engaging your audience. High-quality photos and videos make posts more appealing and shareable. Include images from church services, events, and community activities.

Visual content is memorable and can convey emotions and messages more effectively than text alone. Encourage user-generated content by asking church members to share their photos and experiences. This not only adds variety to your posts but also builds your community.

When you use engaging visuals, you can create a more vibrant and interactive online presence for your church.

6. Feature Community Stories

Featuring community stories on social media brings your church closer together. Share personal testimonies and experiences from church members. These stories can inspire and encourage others. A blog post highlighting a member’s journey of faith or a video testimonial can be very impactful.

Personal stories make your content relatable and show the real-life impact of your church’s work. By sharing these testimonies, you build a stronger sense of community and demonstrate the church’s positive influence.

Regularly featuring community stories keeps your social media content engaging and heartfelt, fostering a deeper connection among your followers.

7. Create a Posting Schedule

Creating a posting schedule is essential for maintaining an active and engaging social media presence. Plan your posts in advance to ensure regular updates that keep community members informed and connected. Consistency helps your audience know when to expect new content, making them more likely to stay engaged.

Schedule a mix of posts, including event updates, inspirational messages, and community stories. Use tools like calendars or scheduling apps to organize your content. By having a posting schedule, you can ensure that your social media remains vibrant and that community members always feel connected to the church’s activities and messages.

8. Live Stream

Live Stream

Live streaming your worship service brings your church to a global audience. Broadcasting your services online allows people from all over the world to participate in real-time, no matter where they are. It’s a powerful way to connect with those who can’t attend in person due to distance or other reasons.

Live streaming creates an inclusive environment where everyone can join in worship and community, regardless of physical location. By embracing live streaming, your church can extend its reach beyond its walls and share its message with a wider audience, fostering a stronger sense of unity and belonging.

9. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

Sharing behind-the-scenes (BTS) content on social media gives your audience a glimpse into the inner workings of your church. This type of content adds authenticity and builds stronger connections with your community. Here’s how to effectively share BTS content:

  • Post photos and videos of preparations for church events.
  • Show behind-the-scenes footage of staff meetings and volunteer activities.
  • Share sneak peeks of upcoming projects or initiatives.
  • Give a behind-the-scenes look at the setup for worship services.

When you share BTS content, you invite your audience to be a part of the behind-the-scenes action, making them feel more engaged and involved in the life of the church.

10. Use Hashtags Strategically

Using hashtags strategically on social media can increase the visibility and reach of your posts. Choose hashtags that are relevant to your content and audience. Incorporate popular hashtags related to your church, such as #SundayService or #Faith.

Additionally, use trending hashtags to join larger conversations and attract new followers. Avoid using too many hashtags, as this can make your posts appear cluttered. By using hashtags strategically, you can expand your reach, attract more followers, and make your church’s social media presence more discoverable to those seeking faith-related content.

Church Content Creation

Church Content Creation

In conclusion, creating engaging content for church social media accounts is all about connecting with your community, sharing uplifting messages, and inviting participation. By knowing your audience and tailoring your posts to their preferences, you can foster a stronger sense of belonging and keep your followers engaged.

Highlighting church events, showcasing sermons, and featuring community stories are effective ways to keep your social media content fresh and meaningful. Creating a posting schedule and using visual content can further enhance your online presence and keep your community members informed. Live streaming services and sharing behind-the-scenes content can help reach a wider audience and make your church more accessible.

Finally, using hashtags strategically can increase the visibility of your posts and attract new followers. With these strategies in place, your church can create a vibrant and impactful presence on social media, spreading its message of faith and community to all who seek it.

We pray over your church community. God bless!

More Resources on Social Media

10 Church Content Creation Secrets for Viral Social Media Posts

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